I have contributed with more than 280 publications, most of which are listed in this section. Many of the most recent ones can be downloaded, if you need any of the papers which is not available for downloading, let me know ...

Workshop Papers pre-2020 (all peer-reviewed)
Towards a general framework for evaluating Intelligent Environments methodologies Aditya Santokhee, Juan Carlos Augusto and Lindsey Brodie. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services (CCSCS'19). Rabat, Morocco. (PDF available, request by email)
Context in Mobile learning: the point of view of the learners, Khamssa Chouchane, Almaas Ali, Juan Carlos Augusto, Kazar Okba. Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (SOFIEE'19), Rabat, 24-25 of June 2019. (PDF available, request by email)
Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering for Human Centric IoT Systems using eFRIEND and Isabelle. Florian Kammuller, Juan C. Augusto and Simon Jones. First IEEE SERA Workshop on the Internet of People And Things (In conjunction with IEEE SERA 2017). Old Royal Naval College, London, UK, June 7-9, 2017. (PDF available, request by email)
A Stigmergic Approach to Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons. Filippo Palumbo, Paolo Barsocchi, Stefano Chessa, Juan Carlos Augusto. 3rd Workshop on Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing (AMMDS), colocated with the 12th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance. Karslrhue, Germany. August 25-28 2015. (PDF available, request by email)
Context-Awareness to Increase Inclusion of People with DS in Society. Dean Kramer, Juan Carlos Augusto, Tony Cook. In AAAI-14 Workshop on artificial intelligence applied to assistive technologies and smart environments (ATSE 2014), Quebec, Canada, 27th of July, 2014. (PDF available, request by email)
Using Simulation and Verication to Inform the Development of Intelligent Environments. Juan Carlos Augusto and Miguel J. Hornos. In Workshops Proceedings of IE'12 conference, section on Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WORIE'12), pp. 413-424. AISE Series. IOS Press. (PDF available, request by email)
Creating Adaptive Intelligent Environments by means of Multimodal Dialogue and Learning Systems. Gonzalo Espejo, Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto, and Ramón López-Cózar Delgado. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Human-
Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence (HCIAmI11). Nottingham, UK. July 2011. (PDF available, request by email)
Facilitating Access to Educational Content through Smarter Educational Environments. Lewis Reilly, Leam Delaney, Juan C. Augusto, John Kennedy and Malcom Hutchison. Proceedings of The Intelligent Campus (iC11). Nottingham, UK. July 2011.
Safety Considerations in the Development of Intelligent Environments. Juan Carlos Augusto, Paul J. McCullagh. Proceedings of 1st Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WORIE 2011), included in Proceedings of 2nd ISAmI, pp. 197-204, 8th of April, 2011 - Salamanca - Spain. Springer Verlag. (PDF available, request by email)
An Argumentative Multi-Agent System for Ambient Assisted Living. A. Muñoz, J. Botía, Blaya, J. C. Augusto, Proceedings of IWAAL 2010, pp. 161-170, September 2010. Valencia Spain. ISBN: 978-84-92812-67-7. (PDF available, request by email)
Monitoring and Analysis of Sleep Pattern for People with Early Dementia, Haiying Wang, Huiru Zheng, Juan Augusto, Suzanne Martin, Maurice Mulvenna, William Carswell, Johnathan Wallace, Paul Jeffers, Barbara Taylor, and Kevin McSorley. 1st Workshop on Knowledge Engineering, Discovery and Dissemination in Health (KEDDH10), co-located with IEEE Bioinformatics
and Biomedicine Conference. December 2010, Hong Kong, China. (PDF available, request by email)
Sensors in Trading Process: A Stress Aware Trader. Javier Martínez Fernández, Juan Carlos Augusto, Ralf Seepold, Natividad Martínez Madrid. Proceedings of 8th IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems (WISES 2010). Jul 8, 2010 - Jul 9, 2010. Crete, Greece. (PDF available, request by email)
Facilitating Preference Revision through a Spoken Dialogue System. Juan Manuel Lucas-Cuesta, Asier Aztiria, Michael F. McTear, Juan Carlos Augusto, and Javier Ferreiros. DAI Woprkshop co-located with AmI'09. Salzburg, Austria. (PDF available, request by email)
Autonomous Learning of User's Preferences improved through User Feedback. Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto and Alberto Izaguirre. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation (BMI'08), pages 72-86, Co-located with the German Conference on AI 2008, Kaiserslautern, September 23-26, 2008. (PDF available, request by email)
Spatial and Temporal Aspects for Pattern Representation and Discovery in Intelligent Environments. Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto and Alberto Izaguirre. Proceedings of the Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, co-located with ECAI 2008, Patras, Greece, 22 July 2008. Pages 1-5. (PDF available, request by email)
Enhanced Healthcare Provision Through Assisted Decision-Making in a Smart Home Environment, JC. Augusto, PJ. McCullagh, V. Croft and J-A. Walkden. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI07), pp. 27-32. Co-located event of IJCAI 2007. 6th-7th of January 2007. Hyderabad, India. (PDF available, request by email)
Software and Knowledge Engineering Aspects of Smart Homes Applied to Health. Juan Carlos Augusto, Chris Nugent, Suzanne Martin and Colin Olphert. "Personalised Health Management Systems: The Integration of Innovative Sensing, Textile, Information and Communication Technologies". Volume 117, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Proceedings of International Workshop on Personalised Health held in Belfast (UK), December 13-15, 2004). Pages 164-71. Edited by C.D. Nugent, P.J. McCullagh, E.T. McAdams and A. Lymberis. IOS Press, 2005. (PDF available, request by email)
Fault-Based Testing of E-Commerce Applications. Marisa Sanchez and Juan C. Augusto and Miguel Felder. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems (VVEIS2004), pp. 66-71. Held in Porto, Portugal, 2004. (PDF available, request by email)
Model-Based Approaches for Validating Business Critical Systems. J. Augusto, Y. Howard, A. Gravell, C. Ferreira, S. Gruner, and M. Leuschel. Proceedings of "System Testing and Validation Workshop", pp. 225-233, held in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), September 2003. Published by IEEE Press, ISBN:0-7695-2218-1, 2004. (PDF available, request by email)
Using the Extensible Model Checker XTL to Verify StAC Business Specifications. Juan C. Augusto, Michael Leuschel, Michael Butler, and Carla Ferreira. Pre-proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS 2003), pp. 253-266, April 2-3 2003, Southampton (UK). (PDF available, request by email)
Model-Based Trace-Checking. Yvonne M. Howard, Stefan Gruner, Andy M. Gravell, Carla Ferreira and Juan C. Augusto. Proceedings of UK Software Testing Workshop, York, United Kingdom. Published by York Computer Science Yellow Report Series. 4-5 September 2003. (PDF available, request by email)
The Benefits of Rapid Modelling for E-Business System Development. Juan C. Augusto, Carla Ferreira, Andy M. Gravell, Michael A. Leuschel and Karen M. Y. NG. In "Conceptual Modeling for Novel Application Domains", edited by M. Jeusfeld and O. Pastor. Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO2003), pp. 17-28, LNCS 2814 - Springer Verlag. Chicago, Illinois, USA. October 13-16, 2003. (PDF available, request by email)
A Temporal Argumentative System Based on Instants and Intervals. Juan C. Augusto. In IV Dutch-German Workshop on NonMonotonic Reasoning Techniques and their Applications, DGNMR'99, Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), March 25-27, 1999. (PDF available, request by email)
Un sistema argumentativo temporal basado en instantes e intervalos. (A Temporal Argumentative System Based on Instants and Intervals) Juan C. Augusto and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings of V Workshop Argentino sobre Aspectos Teóricos de la Inteligencia Artificial, ATIA98, pp. 1005-1019, Neuquén (Argentina), October 1998. (PDF available, request by email)