Teaching Experience
My experience teaching spans for more than two decades, where I have taught a wide range of subjects for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Current Teaching (Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University, UK) at undergraduate Level: optional topic "Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing" (2012,...), final year "Individual Project" (2016, ...), and at postgraduate level I lead the AAL MSc by Research as well as guiding PhD students.
Undergraduate-Level teaching:
Natural Language Processing (COM578) [2011, 2012]
Logic Pogramming and Artificial Intelligence (COM530J1) [2004, ... ,2008]
Topics in Real Time Systems [2000, 2001]
Dynamic Systems [1997, ..., 2001]
Knowledge Based Systems [1995, ..., 1996],
Theory of Computing [1994,...,2001] (included formal languages, automata theory, recursive functions, Petri nets and computability)
Postgraduate-Level teaching:
Reliable Software Development (COM914J1) [2009, ... ,2012]
Intelligent Agents (COM836) [2009]
Formal Design and Verification (COM914J2) [2007, 2008]
Temporal Databases [2001]
Temporal Logic [1999]
Programming in Temporal Logic [1999]
Formal Systems in Computer Science [1999, ..., 2001]