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"Drawing Hands" lithograph (1948) by Dutch artist M. C. Escher

These environments are used by real people and many of those take charge of safety issues. I am promoting the importance ithas for our community that we create our own methodologies, standards, procedures and tools to develop safer systems.

I founded and help run a workshop (WORIE) and the Journal on Reliability of Intelligent Environments (JRIE) to stimulate progress in this area. 


I also co-directed the EU project SecUre aCCESSibility for the internet of things (SUCCESS), 2016-2019 CHIST-ERA funded as part of the 2015-2016 call on “User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things”.

One problem within this area is the lack of suitable methodologies so we have developed several new methodologies within my research group, including:

  • a User-centred I.E. Development Process (UC-IEDP)

  • a Requirements elicitation method for Intelligent Environments (R4IE) and

  • an Ethical Framework (eFRIENDS).

See more details here.

Let me know if you are interested in knowing more about these and I will be happy to explain them to you and to support you on their application to your product development.

Reliable Environments

© JC Augusto 11/11/2011

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