"Drawing Hands" lithograph (1948) by Dutch artist M. C. Escher
At the core of all these areas there is the concept of "context" and its derived concept of "context-awareness". The following publications explain how the notion of context is used slightly different within these technological areas and what aspects of its design, development and deployment makes them more effective in the perception of the users:
Contexts and Context-awareness Revisited from an Intelligent Environments Perspective. Juan Carlos Augusto. To appear in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis. (2021)
The Life-cycle of Artificial Contexts. Juan Carlos Augusto and Thomas E. Dickins. ISTE Open Science Journal - (Modeling and Using Context section). Volume 4, July 2021.
Context-aware Systems Architecture (CaSA). J. C. Augusto, M. J. Quinde, C. L. Oguego, J. G. Gimenez Manuel. Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor and Francis. (Accepted/In press). 2020.
A survey on the Evolution of the Notion of Context-Awareness. J. Augusto, A. Aztiria, D. Kramer, U. Alegre. Applied Artificial Intelligence. Volume 31 Issue 7-8. Taylor and Francis. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2018.1428490
It is important to know what the user preferences are so that a context-aware system knows when the context is right to act and what an appropriate action is in that context:
User Preferences in Intelligent Environments, J. C. Augusto, A. Muñoz Ortega. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 33(12):1069-1091, Taylor and Francis. 2019.
Managing Preference Profiles in Multi-user Intelligent Environments Juan Carlos Augusto and A. Muñoz. Proceedings of Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services (CCSCS'2020) Workshop 20-21 July, Madrid, Spain.
Interface for managing users' preferences in AmI Systems. Chimezie Leonard Oguego, Juan Carlos Augusto, Mark Springett, Mario Quinde, Carl James-Reynolds. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, pp. 56- 59, DOI: 10.1109/IE.2019.00009. Rabat, Morocco, June 2019.
It is also important for the system whhere users are to better deliver appropriate context-aware services better aligned with those users and their circumstances:
Achieving Multi-User Capabilities through an Indoor Positioning System based on BLE Beacons. Mario Quinde, Jose Gimenez-Manuel, Chimezie Leonard Oguego and Juan Carlos Augusto. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 of July 2020.
Contexts and Context-awareness