I have contributed with more than 280 publications, most of which are listed in this section. Many of the most recent ones can be downloaded, if you need any of the papers which is not available for downloading, let me know ...

Conference Papers 2020 onwards (all peer-reviewed)
Gaining Insight into User Behaviour and Systematically Determing User Location via Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon Optimisation, Stefan Michael Anthony Benedict, Juan Carlos Augusto, Omer Faruk Kacar. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Ljubliana, Slovenia. 17-20 of June 2024. IEEE Press.
Context-aware Support for Cardiac Health Monitoring using Federated Machine Learning, Godwin Okechukwu Ogbuabor, Juan Carlos Augusto, Ralph Moseley, and Alechia van Wyk. Proceedings of 41th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2021). Cambridge, December 2021. Springer Verlag.
Achieving Multi-User Capabilities through an Indoor Positioning System based on BLE Beacons. Mario Quinde, Jose Gimenez-Manuel, Chimezie Leonard Oguego and Juan Carlos Augusto. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on
Intelligent Environments. Madrid, Spain, 20-24 of July 2020.